Your Guide to Endorsement Codes in the UK
Driver Safety

Your Guide to Endorsement Codes in the UK

Endorsements on your driving licence occur when you break the laws focused around driving in the UK, European Community or European Economic Area - and they're best to steer very clear of. Endorsem...
Everything You Need to Know About Speed Limits
Driver Safety

Everything You Need to Know About Speed Limits

As an intangible entity, speed limits are made up limits that we are expected to adhere to - but we're not physically limited to them. First born in the UK in 1865, the 10mph speed limit was introd...
Can moving out of the way of an Ambulance get me fined?
Driver Safety

Can moving out of the way of an Ambulance get me fined?

You're sat at a set of traffic lights and you hear a siren, followed by the blue flicker of emergency lights. By default, you instantly go to move out of the way to let the emergency vehicle throug...
How to get Cheaper Car Insurance
Car Insurance

How to get Cheaper Car Insurance

Car insurance, we all actually hate it, right? Well we're here to answer your question every time the dreaded annual car insurance renewal comes back around to bite us (which, let's face it, everyo...
10 Highway Code Rules that may Surprise you
Driver Safety

10 Highway Code Rules that may Surprise you

Navigating the intricate web of the UK Highway Code can sometimes feel like deciphering an ancient script. With continuous revisions and updates, such as the major overhaul in early 2022 introducin...
Dash Cams: To Screen or Not to Screen?
Dash Cams

Dash Cams: To Screen or Not to Screen?

In an age where technology and vehicles intertwine more than ever, dash cams have surged from a niche gadget to a must-have for drivers worldwide. But with a market flooded with options, the choice...
Car Security Cameras x Dash Cams: Our Insights and FAQs
Dash Cams

Car Security Cameras x Dash Cams: Our Insights and FAQs

In an age where vehicle safety and security are paramount, car security cameras have emerged as a significant tool for car owners. These devices are dash cams, which are doubled as car security cam...
Distracted Driving: The Silent Killer
Driver Safety

Distracted Driving: The Silent Killer

Using a smartphone isn't only illegal, but also highly dangerous. When you use a smartphone, you take your eyes off the road, hands off the wheel, and your mind off driving. This trifecta of distra...
The Top 10 Reasons Why Learners Are Failing Their Driving Test
Driver Safety

The Top 10 Reasons Why Learners Are Failing Their Driving Test

Learner drivers have been told the top 10 most common reasons for failing the driving test as more than half slip up on simple mistakes. Road safety experts at Road Angel have analysed government r...
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