So, we are talking dash cams and who can install them. So there are two options here you can personally install this yourself simply by sticking this to the desired location on your windscreen and connecting this via the 12v adapter provided, BUT if you’re like me and cannot stand the sight of dangling wires then this can be hardwired into your car so this will have a constant power supply and will even keep guard of your car when you’re not in it BONUS !
When it comes to installing the dashcam via the Hardwiring kit Personally, I wouldn’t recommend installing a dashcam yourself unless your aware of the electrical system within your car (some of you might be mechanics and do this for a living, However, remember just because you have a multi-meter does not mean you know everything about your cars electrical system for those of you out there !) to quote the manual:
“Road Angel Accept no responsibility for any damage or injury resulting from the incorrect installation”
With this in mind, I would just recommend if your “competent” by all means install this yourself now I use this word as we have all been there frantically looking on the likes of YouTube and the internet on instructional videos on how to install these. The sad reality is most of the time these instructional videos are just point blank confusing and occasionally though following these, we end up causing damage to our vehicles / Equipment which isn’t great. I have the road angel pro and I opted for the professional install with Road angels Recommended install company RC Connect.
This service was great and extremely straight forward they were professional and I would recommend these if you’re like myself and haven’t got a clue where to even start with your cars electrical system. These guys will even come to you making the experience even better, which I feel is great for those of you like myself that have extremely busy schedules or at the weekend want to do nothing more than chill in your pyjamas watching bad day time TV.
This isn’t the only option there are a number of 3rd party companies that can install this for you for instance if you’re buying a new car from the likes of Volvo, Vauxhall or Audi then the Road angel team will be more than happy to arrange for the necessary components and your road angel dash cam to be sent directly to the company which I felt was a great customer service, This way the device is installed way before you even pick up your new car. Give you more time to drive your new car and not have to worry about if you have an accident that you won’t be able to prove they hit you as the dashcam was installed professionally.
Remember try not to electrocute yourself, Go for the professional installation if in doubt.